Steven Newton Boxing

A few days ago I spent some time at Steven Newton Boxing in Diep River.

Steve Newton Boxing offers Authentic & Professional Boxing Training for amateurs, pro’s and first timers.

It was a great learning experience shooting in a boxing gym. It was load shedding at the time which made for challenging lighting too. I also realised that I should probably be looking to purchase a wider angle lens for boxing and tight spaces (that will however need to wait). I started off with the 70-200mm f2.8,which was way too long for shooting in the gym. Most of these images were shot with the Nikon 50mm f1.8g lens. I should probably be looking at getting myself a 24-70mm f2.8 lens at some point or something wider.

I may go back again soon to get some images of some of their professional boxers training.

If you’re into boxing for fun, fitness or wanting to progress to the professional level, go check out Steve Newton Boxing. They have branches in Diep River and Edgemead.

Go follow Steve Newton Boxing on Facebook and Instagram

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